Wednesday 11 May 2011

Album Cover Analysis - Crystal Castles - 'Crystal Castles'

Album Cover Analysis - Crystal Castles - 'Crystal Castles'

This is the self-titled second album by a band called Crystal Castles. I chose this album cover to analyse because it does not follow the stereotypical view of a usual album cover. This album cover has no title and no band members on it. The picture is of a small girl in a graveyard, giving off a disturbing feeling to the audience. Unlike other albums, the music on this is quite different and abstract, which relates to the album cover, because the album cover is also different. The grass on the floor is a bleached, faded colour that gives off a sense that death is a main theme on the cover, because it relates the graveyard. Also the girl is wearing black, which is another clue of a possible funeral that took place here. The camera is facing down slightly to her, and she’s walking up towards the camera. This could suggest she came out of the grave or back from the dead.
I feel that this album cover would not stand out from any others in a shop; however it has a very unique image. This can be very successful because it hasn’t been seen before.

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